
I fell...

And it was embarrassing. No, I was not alone. In fact, I was in the middle of the gym. right smack dab in the middle. Where everything around you is pointing straight towards the middle. I had just ran a mile and did a little over half a mile on the stair stepper. Casey then drilled me on the ladder up and down and up and down. (Let's just say I was very tired, out of breath, wanting to get some mexican food and sit on the couch at this point ;) ) And we had just moved onto the plyometric training platforms.....

You start off on the floor. Jump to the smallest one, then floor up to second, then floor up to third etc. (This picture he is going backwards let me remind you... I was going UP the blocks... not down) Well, I got to the third and said woah, I feel dizzy. I stood there a second, caught my mental state back, or so I thought, and jumped down again. On my way back up to the fourth, my equilibrium threw me off and I tried to catch myself on the platform, missed, fell down, hit my tailbone on the metal bar and the bottom of the one behind me and smacked my head against the top metal bar of the one behind me. I saw everyone laughing. I just fell to the floor and was laughing too although I hurt pretty bad. I fell what seemed to be a good distance down, scraped my shin on the platform when I tried to catch myself and my head and tailbone were throbbing. Let me just tell you that when I feel dizzy, I am going to stop next time :) Shouldn't we get some type of free personal training sessions for ratards like myself who biff it in front of everyone? I mean... c'mon now... We could all use a little help... OBVIOUSLY :)


Me said...

Honey, are you ok?

Amber Hendrix said...

Oh Josc! Your posts crack me up! Are you ok? I can't believe you are working out so hard, good for you! No wonder you look so good!

Shay said...

O my...I don't know whether to cry for you or laugh so hard I pee myself! HAHA. That is such a thing one of us in 2047 would do;-) I LOVE YOU FOR BEING KLUTSY LIKE ME!

Angela Brian said...

i know i shouldn't laugh


this totally cracked me up!

-hope you okay!

*Laura* said...

oh my lil jos.... im sorry lol but that is hilarious now that it is over and you are okay ;0

*Laura* said...

oh my lil jos.... im sorry lol but that is hilarious now that it is over and you are okay ;0